Release Notes
    • 03 Sep 2024
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    Release Notes

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    Article summary

    August 2024

    Foundational updates

    Improved password reset messaging

    We've simplified and clarified the on-screen text making your password reset experience effortless.

    Updates for managing data uploads

    Adaptive data uploader workflows

    You can now skip manually completing eDTFs because our Data Uploader does it on your behalf by automatically extrapolating the necessary content from your uploaded files.

    Confusion-free terminology updates

    Stay up to date on task details and quickly identify your next to-do by relying on simple work item statuses.

    Optimized zipped file uploads

    Take advantage of our new error-prone Data Uploader that automatically runs checks on your data and notifies you of any inconsistencies.

    Reinforced large dataset processing

    Go about your busy day with improved confidence knowing your data uploads will process despite interruptions.

    Seamless test data uploads

    We've adapted our data upload model to anticipate unintentional mistakes so you can complete your equipment registrations without any hiccups.

    Updates for managing sites and site users

    Centralized sponsor-specific reporting functionality

    Sponsors can now comfortably access key reports from a single hub in the Clario Portal.

    Dynamic user association across sites

    Save time and go hassle-free by getting the best from Clario's Bulk Upload Service because you can now easily add site users to multiple sites across both a single study and multiple studies.

    Effortless equipment registration

    Introducing a new way to register the devices you intend to use in the clinical trial so we can help you perfectly prepare for your first scheduled patient visit.

    Flexible user authentication

    Our simplified and secure user authentication gives you the flexibility to confirm who you are even when a web browser isn't available.

    Guaranteed integrity with user registrations

    We fine-tuned our user registration confirmation emails so you can always trust that user's validated their accounts without interference.

    Updates for managing subjects and their data

    Improved focus time when managing subjects

    Enjoy comprehensive reporting that enriches your study monitoring activities by presenting information in an easily understood and actionable format.

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