Completing and/or editing a Modality Assessment
    • 26 Aug 2024
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    Completing and/or editing a Modality Assessment

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    Article summary


    • From your Imaging-specific Study Dashboard press Sites to locate the Modality Assessment.

    • Press Start Questionnaire and complete the required form fields.

    • Press Submit.

    Information Scope

    Solution: Medical Imaging

    Platform: NxT

    Expand for detailed instructions…

    Locating the Modality Assessment

    1. The Modalities will be displayed in the left column (e.g., MR). The card is grey to indicate it is selected. All of the associated information, including the Modality Assessment, is displayed to the right.

    The Sites page displays the Modalities tab by default. If you are viewing information on the Site Users tab, then simply click over onto the Modalities tab to access the Modality Assessment.

    2. Click Start Questionnaire.

    Entering and editing responses

    1. Click the radio buttons next to the Yes and No options responding to the prompts. Some questions may lead onto follow-up questions. Enter responses as is required.

    The Modality Assessment is configured to meet study requirements. As such, you may need to respond to other question formats.

    • Select multiple response options when allowed by clicking inside the radio button next to the target option.

    • Type your response when presented with a free-text field.

    • Select numerical responses by clicking inside the radio button next to the target option.

    • Select the date and/or date/time when this response type is presented.

    2. When reviewing your responses and prior to saving or submitting the draft, you can edit responses. Follow the same actions you previously took (e.g., click inside the radio buttons positioned next to the target response, typing your responses, etc.).

    When changing a response that previously led to a follow-up question, the additional response field will disappear.

    When looking to edit the Modality Assessment from the Sites page, select Open Questionnaire to bring up the form.

    Submitting and saving drafts

    1. Click Save as Draft to exit the form while also saving your responses. You can come back to edit this form in the future.

    2. You'll be notified that the data was saved successfully. This message will disappear or you can also dismiss the message by selecting x.

    3. You can dismiss the form by clicking the x.

    • If you have not previously saved your responses, then your work will be lost.

    • If you have previously saved your responses, then this dismissal action will not impact your previous work.

    4. Click Submit when you're ready to commit your responses. A notification similar to what we previously explained will appear on your screen.

    5. A Completed status now appears next to the Open Questionnaire button.

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