Shipping & Logistics Overview
    • 28 Mar 2024
    • 1 読む分
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    Shipping & Logistics Overview

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    Bringing Clario to your doorstep.

    From providing regional guidance to ordering through our self-service portals.

    image description

    Preparing to order and receive new supplies

    Shipping globally is a nuanced craft. So let’s walk through some of the finer details. That way, we can best ensure your supplies will be on hand when you need them.

    • Find lead times so you know when to inform Clario of your new order request.

    • Not sure if you need an import license? Or don’t even know what an import license is? Don’t worry! We can explain.

    Learn shipment planning considerations

    Ordering new supplies

    Let’s make this as straight forward as possible for you. We’ll look at…

    • Identifying the device types available for orders.

    • Where to find order forms and how to request new supplies.

    • Amending and cancelling order requests.

    • Estimating the time it’ll take for a shipment to reach you.

    Place an order

    Tracking your shipments

    Haven’t received your shipment yet? Need to know where in the world your shipment is? Look no further!

    • Learn when you’ll receive notification updates about your order requests.

    • Read up on shipment tracking guidance per solution.

    Track your shipment

    Returning your supplies

    We hope you’ve enjoyed your journey with us! Now it’s time to talk about returning your supplies. So let’s look at…

    • Scheduling equipment returns.

    • Viewing and printing return labels.

    • Viewing and printing other important labels (e.g., battery label).

    • Tracking your return shipment.

    Return supplies
