Uploading Phantom Data
    • 26 Aug 2024
    • 2 読む分
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    Uploading Phantom Data

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    • From your Imaging-specific Study Dashboard, press Sites and then press Upload Phantom Data in the Equipment table.

    • Select the files, or folder, or drag and drop the required content into the upload field.

    • Press Next after the file details appear in the Upload Phantom Data screen.

    • Respond to any prompts by selecting the appropriate checkbox.

    • Press Next to initiate the upload. *Do not close the screen at this point.

    • You’ll be notified of a successful upload at which point you can exit the Upload Phantom Data screen.

    Information Scope

    Solution: Medical Imaging

    Platform: NxT

    Expand for detailed instructions…

    You can upload Phantom Data only after the site questionnaire is approved.

    You are uploading Phantom Data because a Scanner Acquisition Protocol is not available and this was noted in the Device Details form. Phantom Data is a requirement for your study.

    Uploading Phantom Data

    1. Click Upload Phantom Data and a new web browser tab will open.

    2. Review the Study and device information then click Select files when you’re satisfied you’re uploading Phantom Data for the correct equipment.

    3. Select the file from you computer's file explorer or similar feature. Then press Open.

    4. The selected files will now appear in the main body of the screen. Click Next.

    5. Respond to the prompt by clicking inside the appropriate empty checkbox. You can select as many responses as fits your situation. Then press Next.

    Do not close this window while the upload is processing.

    Learn more about the questionnaire…

    • The questionnaire exhibited in the example screenshot may vary from study to study.

    • Responding to questionnaire prompts is mandatory. You will receive an error message when you press Next before responding to the prompts.

    6. Now that your upload is complete, there are no additional actions you can take on the Upload Phantom Data page. You can either close the web browser tab or navigate to other parts of the Clario Portal:

    • Press the clinical trial's name (e.g., "Passerellidae") shown next to the Uploader navigation link. This action returns you to the Study Dashboard.

    • Press Home to return to the Global Dashboard.

    • Press CLARIO. to also return to the Global Dashboard.

    Viewing uploaded Phantom Data

    You can view the uploaded data from the Upload Phantom Data page. (Refer to Step-1 in the Uploading Phantom Data section above noting that the link you now press is titled View Upload.) You'll notice that the majority of action buttons that were previously available are no longer available. For instance, you can no longer upload files or folders. The buttons are disabled because Clario’s Quality Control (QC) team are reviewing the uploaded data. At this time, you, as the site user, will need to wait for any follow-up actions to be assigned by Clario.

    The following information will be available to you at this time by pressing the Next button to navigate between the file and questionnaire information.

    • Information about the files that were uploaded. (Refer to Step-4 in the Uploading Phantom Data section above.)

    • Responses that were submitted for the questionnaires. (Refer to Step-5 in the Uploading Phantom Data section above.)

    Notable errors

    1. Clario's Uploader will notify you when errors occur such as unsupported file types. When this happens, you'll continue to have the opportunity to select new files or folders. Simply repeat the upload process we just reviewed but selecting the correct file types this next time.

    Acceptable file types

    • .TAR

    • .TXT

    • ZIP (Including any of the file types previously mentioned)

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