Guaranteed integrity with user registrations
    • 21 Aug 2024
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    Guaranteed integrity with user registrations

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    Article summary


    We’ve all experienced autocorrect mishaps. To prevent similar issues, our notification emails for participant registration now account for anti-virus software. This update ensures the software can’t automatically validate the confirmation link, preventing unintended user registration.

    Conditions necessary for observing this feature

    When you get an email to confirm your address, the link in that email takes you to a page where you can verify it. However, your anti-virus software won’t automatically validate the link.

    What’s next?

    You can read more about accessing your Clario Global Account here: Accessing Clario's Portal.

    Additional information

    • Category: New feature

    • Product: NxT Platform

    • Version: 3.0

    • Release Date: August 25, 2024

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