Confusion-free terminology updates
    • 26 Aug 2024
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    Confusion-free terminology updates

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    We're introducing some terminology updates. These updates are a direct result of listening to you when we conducted user research. Let's review the updated terms:

    • Upload Expected: Indicates an action for site users to submit scheduled visit data to Clario.

    • In Review: Indicates no action for the site users because Clario is actively addressing the submitted data.

    • QC Completed: Indicates no action remains because the submitted data passed review with Clario.

    • Visit Skipped: Indicates that no data exists because the intended visit never took place.

    Conditions necessary for observing this feature

    When you’re logged into the Clario Portal as a site user, you’ll observe the new terms located here:

    • Upload Work List;

    • Subject-specific overview pages.  

    What’s next?

    Learn more about monitoring and uploading data by pressing Uploading data by starting from the Subject List and Uploading and viewing data.  

    Additional information

    • Category: New feature

    • Product: NxT Platform

    • Version: 3.0

    • Release Date: August 25, 2024

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