Accessing a study from the Global Dashboard
    • 05 Jun 2024
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    Accessing a study from the Global Dashboard

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    Article summary


    • Starting from the Global Dashboard

    • Option 1: Look for the Recently Accessed section and click the Project Name of the study you’d like to access.

    • Option 2: Press Select Study or Organization and click the Project Name of the study you’d like to access.

    Expand for detailed instructions…

    Using Recently Accessed

    1. Click the Project Name (e.g., “Passerellidae”) of the study you'd like to access. This action launches you into the Study Dashboard.

    2. Review each message pressing Next to progress through the tutorial. Click Finish at the final message to close the tutorial.

    Dashboard Tutorial

    If this is your first time accessing a study on the Study Dashboard, then the Study Dashboard Tutorial will automatically start.

    Using Select Study or Organization

    1. Click Select Study or Organization and then click the study name from the short list.

    Only five of the studies associated with your account will show in the list. Follow the instructions below to conduct a larger search.

    2. If you do not see your study listed, then click Show more....

    3. Click the target Study / Protocol name.

    Expand to learn more about applying filters…

    • Filter for the target Study / Protocol when you have access to many studies and cannot quickly find the study. Click inside the Filter Text box and enter keywords such as the study name or protocol number.

    • Click Apply.

    • Click the project name shown in the Study / Protocol column.

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