Managing a single site in Clario's Portal
    • 26 Aug 2024
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    Managing a single site in Clario's Portal

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    Article summary


    • From your Imaging-specific Study Dashboard, press Sites.

    • Press Edit Shipping Address to update your site details.

    • From the Site Users tab press + Add New User to add a colleague to your site.

    • From the Modalities tab press Start Questionnaire to complete the Modality Assessment.

    • From the Modalities tab press + Add New Equipment to add equipment details.

    Information Scope

    Solution: Medical Imaging

    Platform: NxT

    Expand for detailed instructions…

    Navigating to your site in the Clario Portal

    1. Navigate to your study using the list of Recently Accessed. Click the desired Project Name to enter the Study Dashboard.

    Expand to learn alternative ways to access your study…

    1. From Clario’s Global Dashboard, press Select Study or Organization.

    2. Select your desired study in the drop-down list. Or press Show more… to search for your study.

    2. Click Sites.

    Shipping information

    1. You can now view and edit your site's shipping address.

    Expand to learn more about updating your shipping information…

    • Hover your pointer over the address information to view the entire contents when an ellipse (i.e., three dots, ...) appears at the end of the content.

    • Press the Edit Shipping Address button when corrections are necessary.

    • Enter your corrections using the free-text fields and drop-down menus.

    • Press Submit.

    Site Users Tab

    1. Click Site Users to view the associated information.

    2. The Site Users information is displayed in cards. When you want to add new users, press + New User. New user cards will display on the screen after you create the user.

    Expand to learn more about the site user information you’re viewing…

    • The Clario Portal summarizes the number of site users associated with a given site. Look for the All site users summary shown under the + New User button.

    • A user’s card displays their name, email address, assigned role(s), and their account status.

    Modalities information


    2. Each modality appears on a card on the left side of the screen (e.g., MR). The more modalities that are associated with your site, the more cards will appear. The card appears gray when selected and its associated information (e.g., Modality Assessment and Equipment) is displayed.

    3. You can respond to the Modality Assessment when the Start Questionnaire button is available. Or you can view the Modality Assessment when the Open Questionnaire button is available. Press the relevant button to take action or view the questionnaire.

    4. You can also add a new device when the + Add New Equipment button is available.

    Exiting the Site Dashboard

    1. Pressing the back arrow located next to the institution's name returns you to the previous page. You can also use the navigation trail (i.e., “Home > Passerellidae > Sites”) to go back to a specific page.

    2. Pressing CLARIO. will also bring you to the Global Dashboard.

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