Effectively navigating the Subject List
    • 23 Aug 2024
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    Effectively navigating the Subject List

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    Article summary


    • From your Imaging-specific Study Dashboard, press Subjects.

    • Filter, sort, or manually search the Subject List using the filter text box, the up/down arrows in the column headers, and the forward/back arrows to move amongst data pages.

    • Access subject-specific data by clicking on the row displaying the target subject.

    • Press Export Subject Data to download the Subject List.

    • Press Create Subject and complete the required form fields to add new subjects to the Clario Portal.

    Information Scope

    Solution: Medical Imaging

    Platform: NxT

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    Navigating to your subject list

    1. Navigate to your study using the list of Recently Accessed studies. Click the desired Project Name to enter the Study Dashboard.

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    1. From Clario’s Global Dashboard, press Select Study or Organization.

    2. Select your desired study in the drop-down list. Or press Show more… to search for your study.

    2. Click Subjects.

    Subject list overview

    1. The Subjects page shows the Subject List including a mix of action buttons and data tables.

    2. You can Export Subject Data and Create Subject[s] when you have the correct portal permissions assigned to your study account.

    Expand to learn more about exporting data…

    • Press Export Subject Data.

    • The Clario Portal will notify you that the file was successfully downloaded to your computer. This message will automatically disappear or you can dismiss it by pressing x.

    • You web browser may also display the downloaded file name and location giving you the ability to open it straight away.

    Expand to learn more about creating subjects…

    The subject creation form will differ between studies.

    • Press Create Subject.

    • Complete the required form fields by making selections from the available drop-down menus, overwriting text directly (e.g., DD-MMM-YYYY), and/or selecting available dates after pressing the calendar icon.

    • Press Save to create the subject.

    • You can also press Cancel or the x shown in the top right corner to dismiss the subject creation form without saving any data.

    3. The table can be filtered so you can quickly navigate to the subject-specific dashboard where you can view data and actions associated with that subject.

    Expand to learn more about applying filters…

    • Configure the filter parameter by selecting the down arrow next to Subject ID.

    • Type keywords into the Text Filter box. For instance, when Subject ID is the selected parameter, type the ID (e.g., “200”) you're searching for.

    Not all filter categories require you to type text. Some filters like the Country filter require you to select a pre-configured category from another drop-down menu. Press the down arrow to make your selection accordingly.

    • Then press Apply.

    Multiple filters can be applied by repeating the filtration process. For instance, you can first filter on the Subject ID column and next on the Country column. The two filters will display. You can clear them individually by pressing x or clear them together by pressing Clear all.

    4. You can also refine the data you’re viewing and easily navigate through the data tables using the options shown in the table’s right top-most corner.

    Expand to learn more about adjusting rows…

    • The table can be adjusted to show a certain number of rows. The default is ten ("10").

    • The number of rows is displayed (e.g., "1 - 2 of 2").

    Expand to learn more about moving between multiple pages…

    When you have multiple pages of rows, you'll be able to navigate through them using the forward and back arrows. These buttons are greyed out and not clickable when the number of rows do not exceed your configuration (e.g., "10").

    • The single arrow indicates moving one page at a time.

    • The double arrow indicates moving directly to the beginning or ending page.

    5. That data in the table is organized under column headers.

    • The column headers are shown with up and down arrows next to their titles. You can sort the table by pressing the column header and/or the up/down arrows.

    • You will be able to view summary information for each of the subjects associated with the sites you're managing in the main body of the table. Click the row for your target subject to launch a subject-specific page.

    • You'll then notice ellipses (i.e., three dots "...") at the end of each row. Hover your pointer over these dots to bring up a new menu of actionable options.

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