Dynamic user association across sites
    • 21 Aug 2024
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    Dynamic user association across sites

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    Article summary


    We’re enhancing your user experience by allowing you to associate site users with multiple sites, similar to our eCOA solutions. This feature lets you easily add or remove site users across single or multiple studies, simplifying mass user management in our database.

    Conditions necessary for observing this feature

    You won’t directly interact with this feature. We handle the mass importation of user lists into the Clario Portal. Just keep providing user information from your clinical systems. If a user needs to be associated with multiple sites, our Bulk Upload Service (BUS) will take care of it.

    What’s next?

    Your Clario representative will coordinate user management activities with you. So, stay tuned!

    Additional information

    • Category: New feature

    • Product: NxT Platform

    • Version: 3.0

    • Release Date: August 25, 2024

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