Reminders when contacting Customer Care
    • 12 Aug 2024
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    Reminders when contacting Customer Care

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    Contact Us

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    Thanks to recent improvements, we’ve streamlined you help experience. Based on your selection our automated IVRS routes your request directly to a Customer Care representative specializing in your interest area. They will ask you a set of standard questions, so please be patient with us while we take down your details.

    Sometimes resolutions are trickier to achieve; more time may be needed to appropriately respond to your situation. But don't worry, we’ll provide you with a ticket number for your request and our agent will work with you on a plan for further assistance and updates if we are not able to resolve your issue immediately.

    Share this Information

    Ticket Number

    This is an alphanumeric code beginning with “CC” and followed by nine digits. Provide this when requesting updates for ongoing investigations.

    Protocol Number

    This is the unique identifier for your clinical trial and can usually be found in your study’s reference materials, noted on equipment, and listed in the Clario Portal (if you previously elected to join the study).

    Site Number or ID

    Your institution has been designated a number or ID that is used in Clario’s systems. You can usually find it specified in similar locations as the Protocol Number.

    Principle Investigator Name

    Your clinical site is also identified by the name of your institution’s designated Principle Investigator.

    Equipment Serial Number

    Each device is labeled with Clario’s equipment identifier, a short alphanumeric code stickered to the back. The attending Customer Care representative can assist locating it.

    Your Contact Details and Role

    Of course, you’re the most important part to this puzzle. So tell us who you are, the role you play at your institution, and the best way for us to contact you.


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    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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